New Season! Overview and Summary!

Early in the season we decided what our roles would be for the year i.e: Chiefs of our main three rolls (Building, Project, and Programming), Spokesman, Outreach expert, different leads for sub things needed for building/programming/project. During the high of the season, we met with many other teams to collaborate, and help one anther. A few of these teams were: Mindstorm Madness, Thinkanators, and Morton Master Builders. We went through quite a few different ideas when coming up with our ideas for programming and the project. We went through four main different ideas for the project, the four being: drought, Water pollution, Illinois water problems, and combating water waste. We ended up deciding on what we named ‘The Aquarius Wizard.’ Currently with our state competition drawing near, we’re buckling down and honing what we have and trying to get a higher score in places that we scored lower on at our qualifying competition.


Good luck to everyone who made it to the state competition, and we’ll see you there!

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